
Connectivity Real and Virtual: Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

Jan 8, 2015

Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

Brilliant decision to make A Year of Books a Facebook Group that does something other digital giants have missed. That is, come up with ways for social media to facilitate the ways we communicate and connect in the real world versus the virtual world. As wondrous as digital and social media are, they should not replace the wondrous real world of learning, connecting and relationships that take more than posting a few words or images.

To contribute to that conversation, I suggest for A Year of Books Pivot Points: Five Decisions Every Successful Leader Must Make. Full disclosure, I am the author. Pivot Points looks at the defining moments in our work and our lives, and the decisions we make at those times. My research reveals that people who cultivate and turn to a LIVE network of subject matter experts and trusted advisers make decisions that fulfill their aspirations. Leaders get their competitive edge from having real relationships and real depth of dialogue; this inclusive approach to decision-making produces decisions that make the pivotal impact that defines the leadership journey.

Most people, however, fill their time with busy-ness, and do not discern the difference between busy-ness and business. They insulate themselves from real thinking challenges and real relationships and end up making decisions that put their aspirations further out of reach. Managing emails and social media play a large part in busy-ness, filling our time way beyond what is useful and expanding our contact list but not our network of relationships that give real mutual benefit.

Being human means needing other human beings in real dialogue that build real relationships of trust and respect. I wish you success in making A Year of Books a movement for balancing the convenience and reach of digital with the depth and quality of real connections and real learning. What is digital connectivity leading to if it also disconnects us from what really matters? Please make A Year of Books a meaningful way for people to read, communicate, and connect.

Best wishes for success in this,

Julia Tang Peters

Author and Consultant for Advancing Leadership Cultures

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